My name is Tim Fortin and I will be graduating from UMass Amherst in the Spring of 2025 with an English degree..As an aspiring filmmaker, I found myself discovering my love of English arts through the backdoor. I had grown up digesting an ever-rotating catalog of documentaries and educational videos. It was an art form that I felt could both entertain and capture attention through visuals while retaining education of a wide array of topics. In this desire to educate and inspire through that pairing of image and story, I found myself in English as a means to get those stories across.
Within my writing, I yearn to explore the complexity and messiness that the world offers us. I enjoy the difficulty in understanding and the hard work in parsing through what I am continuously learning. In my writing, I am not only able to give myself a voice but give an opportunity to amplify the voices of those feeling unheard or underrepresented. 
With this in mind, I present a collection of work that features artistic representations of the messiness of the world and the multiple voices shouting (aloud and silently) through both video media and written work."
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